Welcome To Apex Resources Inc.
Apex Resources Inc. (TSX-V: APX) is a Vancouver-based exploration company with a suite of precious and critical minerals projects and historic mines located in the United States and Canada.
The Lithium Creek Project is Apex Resources' flagship project with placer claims covering hundreds of square miles within the aerially extensive Fernley, Humboldt, and Carson Sinks, and includes widespread naturally flowing lithium brine groundwater. The Lithium Creek Project is strategically located near the City of Reno and within 40 minutes of the principle North American battery hub, hosting the Tesla Gigafactory and other key industry players in the Lithium Ion battery supply chain.
The Jersey-Emerald Property is wholly owned by Apex Resources and encompasses the historic Jersey Lead-Zinc Mine; British Columbia's second largest historic zinc mine, and the Emerald Tungsten Mine; Canada's second largest historic tungsten mine, both located in southern British Columbia.
The Ore Hill and Summit Gold Properties includes the historic Ore Hill Mine and Summit Gold Mine. The two former producers are located at the south end of British Columbia's Sheep Creek gold camp.
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Apex Investigation Reveals 24.98 g/T Au Over 10.20 m in Historic Drill Hole E1411 on Its Holdings in Southern British Columbia, Canada
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